Our services

Professional online tutoring

A photo of an Edudane tutor giving a class. Created by Edunade.
Expert tutoring

Our tutoring services made for

There are times when we all need a little extra support to realize our academic potential. Our vast network of tutors is at your disposal to help you strengthen those subjects in which you need a little hand. Whether its IB, SATs or A-Levels, we’ll aim to match you with a tutor who has themselves succeeded in that module.

Explore our services

What makes us the best?


Our tutors in multiple time zones and online classes allow for optimal flexibility.


All of our tutors achieved the highest grades in the subjects which they are teaching.


Tutors are equipped with tools such as microphones, tablets, and calculators.

Additional Materials

All students get full unlimited access to our Edunade Academy platform.


Average increase in grades
after 3 months.


Of students couldn't be
happier with the classes.


Higher grades
than IB average.

Tutoring offered from virtually any subject!

IB Mathematics

IB Physics

IB Chemistry

IB Computer Science

IB History

IB Economics

IB Psychology


A-Levels Mathematics

A-Levels Physics

A-Levels Chemistry

A-Levels Geography

A-Levels Psychology

A-Levels Sociology





Let us answer some FAQs!

Our tutors are all graduates of the world's most renowned universities, who also scored exceptionally high in the respective courses which they teach. So, if you are looking for a tutor from IB Mathematics, then we will make sure that our tutor scored a perfect 7 in IB Maths. If you are looking for an A-Levels Physics tutor, then we will match you with a tutor who got an A*!

Usually our classes last 45-90 minutes, depending on the needs of the clients, with the vast majority lasting 60 minutes.

Our classes usually cost around £30-45 per hour, depending on the subject, number of classes, and the availability of the tutor.

The price per hour always goes down when the student decides to purchase more than one hour week (keeping in mind that one hour per week is the minimum).

Yes, all our classes are performed online. But not to worry, the quality of teaching definitely doesn't suffer!

We make sure that all of our tutors are equiped with the necessary tools to provide the highest quality online teaching. Thus, for scientific subjects they all have access to tablets, whiteboards, and calculator emulators to ensure the best possible knowledge transfer.

Online teaching also offers amazing flexibility. Since our tutors currently operate in 6 different time zones, we have slots open at virtually any time during the day!

Yes, of course! Our tutors are always available for a quick chat to answer any of your questions and doubts.

Each of our students also has their own Google Drive Folder in which class notes and summaries are shared.

Lastly, and probably most importantly, all of our students get unlimited access to our Edunade Academy platform, where they have tons of educational materials, webinars, university databases, and many more!

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