O nas

Doradztwo akademickie na najwyższym poziomie

A photo of Michael Slowak, one of the co-founders of Edunade.

Twoja zaufana firma do

Edunade to firma doradztwa edukacyjnego założona w Cambridge, UK. Od początku naszą misją było zapewnienie naszym klientom najwyższego poziomu edukacyjnego wsparcia, pomagając im osiągać swoje akademickie marzenia.

Początkowo koncentrowaliśmy się na pomaganiu uczniom w dostaniu się na najlepsze uniwersytety. Następnie, staliśmy się wiodącą firmą edukacyjną, oferującą kompleksowe wsparcie instytucjom akademickim i dostarczającą nowoczesne produkty technologiczne.

Doświadczenych mentorów

Wzrost liczby klientów rok do roku

Poznaj nasze usługi
Nasze usługi działają

Obecnie 100% naszych uczniów otrzymało oferty z wybranych uniwersytetów.

Praktyczne doświadczenie

Twój mentor będzie towarzyszył Ci na każdym etapie procesu aplikacji.

Wyłącznie najlepsi absolwenci

Nasz zespół składa się wyłącznie z osób, które same osiągnęły to, co Ty próbujesz osiągnąć.

Nowoczesna technologia

Nasi uczniowie mają dostęp do wszystkich zasobów na naszej platformie Edunade Academy.

Nasi klienci

Jesteśmy najlepsi... i nasi klienci myślą podobnie!

With the help of Edunade, who helped me prepare my documents and build my profile, I received an offer and a scholarship from one of the best universities in Asia. I highly recommend them!


A photo of Aleksander Mickielewicz, one of the students consulted by Edunade.
Aleksander Mickielewicz
University of Hong Kong

I highly recommend Edunade's services. They guided me through my application process and helped me from start to finish in a very professional manner. I could really count on them, as even in unexpected situations their feedback was almost instant. Whenever I had a question, I would receive a highly researched answer consulted with many experts. Ultimately, the cooperation led me to secure a place in the university of my dreams. I wouldn't have made it, if it weren't for them.

A photo of Oskar Leksa, one of the students consulted by Edunade.
Oskar Leksa
University of Birmingham

Your help was really important for me and we really appreciate your commitment. Today when I went to my school, I met my head teacher and she was asking me about your company and I recommended you to her saying that it’s a great choice for helping with applying to university.

A photo of Natasza Kamińska, one of the students consulted by Edunade.
Natasza Kamińska
Politecnico di Torino

Edunade helped me to get into IED university in Milan. Our cooperation was smooth and really successful. They supported me on every step of my application journey and responded to any doubts and problems I encountered in the process. I can honestly recommend them.

A photo of Zuzanna Nanke, one of the students consulted by Edunade.
Zuzanna Nanke
IED Milan

Tutoring and application help from Edunade allowed me to get into one of the best boarding schools in the UK. Thank you for making my dream possible!


A photo of Vanessa Shin, one of the students consulted by Edunade.
Vanessa Shin
Ipswich International High School

I'd like to thank Michael and Edunade who helped me a lot with my university applications and improved my candidate profile.


A photo of Yousuf Alshorafa, one of the students consulted by Edunade.
Yousuf Alshorafa
Khaled International Schools

Edunade's help in my application process was immense. They started by broadening my mind with regards to possible study places, as well as massively helped me in the application itself.

A photo of Katarzyna Pastuszka, one of the students consulted by Edunade.
Katarzyna Pastuszka
University of Glasgow

I highly recommend this company. Everyone was super helpful and patient. They explained everything very clearly which made the whole process very quick and pleasant. If in doubt they were always there to help and answer any questions.

A photo of Kornelia Majewska, one of the students consulted by Edunade.
Kornelia Majewska
UCAM Catholic University of Murcia

Many thanks to you, Fiorella! You are a star, seriously. Thank you so much for your time, your motivation, and for the entire knowledge you have shared with us.

Agnieszka Jabłońska
Warsaw Montessori School

Edunade helped me to get into my dream course - Fashion and Design. Additionally, my mentor helped me find accommodation and settle in France, which made me a lot less nervous about moving.

A photo of Ewa Jamrozek, one of the students consulted by Edunade.
Ewa Jamrozek
Enaco Paris
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