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Uni-life | Ryuji Moriya | 21-05-2023

These Are The Best Gifts to Give to University/College Students in 2023

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This article will go into the best gifts for university students. 10 different gifts will be presented without any preference or ranking.

Let’s face it.

You’re struggling to think of what kind of gift you want to give your university friend/acquaintance.

Worried it might be too ‘cheap’?

Or maybe worried it might not be appropriate?

Maybe you’re worried it won’t match their taste?

I’ve had the same problem before.

So, based on my personal experience and surveying all our mentors in our network, I’ve come up with the ultimate list of the best gifts you can give to a university student.

If you want the quick list, I’ve linked to it below.

Universal Travel Power Adapter

Many international students moving to new countries bring their electronic equipment from their home country.

When this happens, one dread always comes up.


A student forgetting one might not only be unable to use their computer to study but also unable to charge their phone.

This is a nightmare for an international student just moving into a new place.

So, the perfect gift for them is a universal travel power adapter.

It has many benefits such as being portable and versatile.

Does the student want to travel around the country? No problem.

Does the student want to study at the library? No problem.

Plus, it could save them money by avoiding buying multiple adapters.

Aside for international students, it could be a meaningful gift for a native student studying at a local college or university.

A local student will benefit from having one as it could be used if the student decides to take a vacation abroad.

Additionally, it has multiple USB sockets for charging any portable electronics.

Bedroom LED Lights

Social and dorm life is part of the essential college and university experience.

Part of this includes hanging out with friends in their rooms.

Naturally, a lot of students compete with who has the bed decorations.

That’s where a bedroom LED light enters the stage.

A bedroom LED light has many benefits that are appreciated by the student, for example, it allows the student to set the mood of the bedroom to feel himself or herself at home and the LED aspect allows one to save a lot of money on electricity.

Another excellent benefit for students is that the soft nature of the glow and controllable nature of the light allows the student to get better sleep at night.

Air Mattress

As I mentioned in the previous section, social and dorm life are part of the essential college experience.

One day, the student can have friends hanging out at their place.

But that one friend might have had too much fun that they missed the last final bus or train.

When this happens, one of the biggest and most common problems will happen: where should the friend sleep?

I’ve personally had this problem, where I ended up sleeping on a yoga mat with towels on the floor.

The entire flooring was wooden floor.

As you could imagine, I didn’t get a single sleep.

That’s why a good gift for university students is an inflatable air mattress.

It’s excellent when having friends and family members over and will benefit the university student and their guests.

Bath Bomb

University can be stressful at times for the student.

Exams. Essay deadlines are coming up in a few days. Graded presentations in front of the class.

Whatever comes up, stress can be bad for the student and even negatively affect their performance.

So the perfect gift for the university student?

Bath bombs.

A bath bomb can turn a normal hot water bath into a high-end spa resort experience.

In fact, it is scientifically proven that a hot bath can relieve stress by releasing hormones such as dopamine and by improving blood circulation.

This gift is especially perfect if you want to give a fancy, yet affordable gift.

Electric Heated Blanket

As I mentioned previously, stressful times will come for students.

Exams, deadlines, and preparing for presentations.

In times like these, it is natural for students to stay up very late at night and tackle these deadlines.

However, it can be cold at times.

Maybe he or she is studying during the winter and the heater is not properly working.

That’s why a perfect gift for a university student is an electric blanket.

An electric blanket such as the one I recommend here is lightweight and portable to be wrapped around the hips and legs.

Aside from studying late at night, it can also be used when taking a break such as when watching a Netflix series.

Essential Oil Diffuser

Going to College will likely be the first time the student will be living apart from their parents.

This new experience exposes them to new challenges.

Perhaps, they might not have cooked before.

Maybe, they never cleaned their room.

Either way, this leads to one concern: do their rooms smell good?

This can be a problem not just in daily life, but especially when they bring guests over to their place.

This is why an excellent gift is an essential oil diffuser.

It’s as simple as putting water, dropping a few droplets of essential oil, and then turning it on.

It is practical and would be an excellent gift for university students regardless of their taste.

Coffee Mug Warmer

Long studying time is part of a normal university student experience.

This is especially true when exams, submission deadlines, and presentations are coming up.

In times like these, it’s typical for university students to brew or pour a cup of coffee, hot chocolate, or tea, whatever they fancy.

But a major pain point is that at times, they become so concentrated in their work, that they completely forget that their brews have become ice cold.

It’s an even bigger pain when they have to get up and put it in the microwave, wait, and take it out from it—that results in less time working on their academic work.

That’s where the coffee mug warmer comes in.

Once plugged in, it’s as simple as plugging it into a socket and setting it to an ideal temperature.

Now, no more cold drinks!

Laptop Stand

By now you’ve come to understand, studying at university comes with at times long hours of studying to tackle upcoming exams and assignment deadlines.

This usually involves long hours of sitting in front of a computer typing essays or looking at online lectures and resources.

This, as you might imagine, is troublesome.

For example, the college student will begin adopting a bad posture that will result in strain on the neck and the backbone.

Also, the computer will heat up after long use, so it might end up malfunctioning and lead to the extremely painful happening where hours of progress in an essay are lost at a snap of a finger.

Double ouch.

That’s why an excellent gift is a laptop stand.

This will allow the laptop to be positioned at eye level and will straighten the posture.

Also, the gap between the laptop and the table surface will prevent overheating of the computer.

I would also recommend if possible, pairing it with a wireless keyboard so there won’t be a need to position the hands at an elevation and be uncomfortable.

Eye Mask

Students will usually need to take a break from their work.

Some will read a book.

Some might watch an episode of a Netflix show.

But many (and my own personal experience at university) like to take a power nap of 10 to 20 minutes.

Power naps allow one to improve short-term memory, concentration, and motivation, all of which are vital for studying effectively.

Naturally, to maximise the power nap, a lot of students like to wear an eye mask.

That’s why we recommend an eye mask as a gift for university students.

Aside from power naps, an eye mask is a popular item when students travel for vacation or a road trip.

Mug Cup

You might still be confused about what makes a good gift for university students.

At times, no matter how much you think about it, you don’t know what the person will like as you’re not sure about the person’s taste.

So what’s a ‘safe’ gift?

Our biggest recommendation is a mug cup.

This appeals to any gender and no matter the taste.

Anyone who drinks coffee, tea, hot chocolate, or even water will need a cup and so it’s a very safe gift you can give to a student.

But remember: what’s important is not what you give or how much the gift cost, but rather how you make that person feel.

It’s safe to say, that a mug cup will still do wonders in this department.

Wrapping Up

In this article, we covered ten different gifts you could give to a university student regardless of their taste, age, or gender.

However, no matter what you give, remember that it’s the effort and how you make that person feel that counts, and not how ‘much’ the gift cost or what exactly you give.

So don’t overthink it.

If you want a more personalised, extremely useful gift, we can suggest our service: we provide university students with career advice.

Interested in gifting our career planning service to a university student? Then contact us at contact@edunade.com.

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